Tips to Avoid Postpartum Baby Blues Syndrome


Woman Holding Her Head

The baby blues occurs due to changes in the hormones estrogen and progesterone in the mother, where during pregnancy the mother experiences an increase in hormones while after 72 hours the hormone decreases again. Baby Blues Syndrome is common in postpartum women, she feels worried about herself, one of which is not being able to take care of her baby, not being able to breastfeed and others.

However, the baby blues should not be underestimated because if it continues for more than two weeks, for example, it can turn into Post Partum Depression and worse, into Post partum Psychiatry. An example of the experience of a friend when the baby cried all night long, the breast was swollen because the baby did not drink milk, the house was messy. So that in the end he said he wanted to throw the baby into the rice field because he was so annoyed and couldn't control his emotions.

Another example is a mother who killed her baby and husband in Bandung because she felt depressed. After giving birth, the mother can feel the baby blues syndrome due to hormonal changes that cause the mother to be insecure, not paying attention to the baby, irritable, emotional disturbances such as frequent crying and irritability.

Here are tips for not experiencing baby blues syndrome:

  • Ask others for help

If you and cyst are new parents, then there is nothing wrong with asking other people for help. This can ease the burden on the mother in caring for your little one with help from family or household assistants.

  • Establish Communication

Communication is important in these times. Sometimes a chat or chat session with spouses, parents, fellow mothers who have small children and even social interaction is also needed besides being able to lighten the burden of the mind, it can also increase knowledge and share other people's experiences after giving birth.

  • Save the Things That Distract Your Emotions

Keep your favorite foods in the closest reach in the room. Such as CDs, cellphones, favorite reading books, food or drinks such as dark chocolate.

  • Manage Emotions

If when emotions attack you, then know yourself whether to be alone first or by telling your partner. So sit down if the emotion comes when standing then perform ablution or wash your face if you are not feeling relieved while sitting.

  • Mental and Physical Support

After giving birth, the abdominal and vaginal muscles relax. Even in a normal delivery process, there can be a back muscle injury, so you could say that someone from your village has been beaten. Therefore, your body is pampered with massage, especially in the span of at least 15 days it is enough to help restore the muscles back taut.

  • 'Me Time'

If your little one sleeps, try to go to sleep too, because the mother has stayed up all night. However, if you feel that you are getting enough rest, you can use your mother's 'me time' at home. If you really like watching Korean dramas or reading your favorite novel, it's worth a try.

  • Enough sleep

Newborn babies sleep more during the day and open their eyes at night. So, try to schedule your schedule to sleep with your little one at the same house, when your little one sleeps, it's better if you go to sleep and let the things for a while the homework pile up as long as you get enough rest to accompany your little one. 

Several rows of foods that can be consumed to reduce baby blues syndrome:

  • Nuts

Nuts are foods that contain lots of selenium, especially those found in brazil nuts.

  • Spinach

Green vegetables can provide the nutritional intake of iron that the body needs because women who are deficient in iron will suffer from anemia and get tired easily, which can make mothers irritable.

  • Fish

Choose fish that are high in omega 3 fatty acids such as salmon, cod, mackerel and tuna. Therefore, omega 3 fatty acids can be beneficial for someone who has mood disorders. Seawater has been polluted everywhere so it is advisable to consume vitamins or supplements containing fish oil or omega 3 fatty acids, namely DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) which functions in the synthesis of neurotransmitters and also plays a role in the transmission of nerve impulses.

  • Egg

Eggs contain protein and choline there are also 9 essential amino acids. Protein functions to nourish the brain, while the column can encourage nerve function, the liver also increases the body's metabolism.

  • Sweet food

Consumption of sweet foods can also help reduce the symptoms of the baby blues you are experiencing. Eat foods that contain carbohydrates such as potatoes, oatmeal, dark chocolate or rice because they act as sedatives because of the effect of increasing the hormone serotonin which causes feelings of pleasure. Moreover, dark chocolate can be beneficial for physical and psychological health, which is a source of tryptophan which acts as an anti-depressant. In addition, it can stimulate the production of endorphins, a chemical in the brain that encourages feelings of pleasure and happiness, but don't consume too much because it contains too much sugar, consume it as needed.

Tips to Avoid Postpartum Baby Blues Syndrome Tips to Avoid Postpartum Baby Blues Syndrome Reviewed by Nandana on September 01, 2020 Rating: 5

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