Babies are a gift from the Almighty, as parents it is very natural if you want to give your best. One of the things you can give is breast milk. The content in breast milk is very suitable for babies because it has substances that supply immunity, its composition is always changing according to the baby's needs, is easily absorbed by the body, prevents allergies, and is able to protect babies from disease.
It's just that, breastfeeding is not as easy as turning your palms. There are so many challenges that can be faced by a mother who wants to breastfeed her baby. Moreover, currently there is formula milk that is used as a substitute. In fact, every woman already has a device that can be used as a provision for breastfeeding her baby. When pregnant, hormones in the body of pregnant women have started to activate cells that can produce milk.
- The first key that will usually make a mother feel confident about breastfeeding is that the milk has come out when she has finished giving birth. Consider the following tips so that breast milk can come out when the baby is born.
- Early Initiation of Breastfeeding is carried out immediately after the baby is born
- Join mother and baby. You can find out in advance before approaching the due date of the combined care policy.
- Support from people around new mothers, be they husbands, families, and also health workers
- Mother must have positive thoughts
- Additional methods can be done, for example: warm compresses, warm baths, back massage, and relaxation
- Give the baby as many opportunities as possible to suck on the mother's breast because the baby's suction provokes a reflex to express breastmilk four times faster than when pumped
Those are some tips you can do so that breast milk comes out immediately after giving birth. Prepare as early as possible both mentally and physically for the success of your breastfeeding.
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