Sun exposure is actually very dangerous for our skin. Especially if you are active under the hot rays of the sun and don't use sunscreen for skin protection, you might get skin cancer later! You don't want to get skin cancer, right?
Obviously! Who also wants to get skin cancer? One of the diseases that is quite busy talking about can actually threaten your life! The American Skin Cancer Society states that one in five people in the world have skin cancer. In the United States alone, there are 5.4 million cases of non-melanoma skin cancer, and fortunately this disease is successfully treated every year.
Just like other diseases, skin cancer also has characteristics that are quite clearly visible to the sufferer. But unfortunately many people ignore the obvious signs.
These signs are the appearance of new moles. It's true, the appearance of moles is not something to worry about. But if the mole that appears has a large enough size, which is more than 6 mm, then you and you must start to be vigilant. It could be that the mole is an early warning of a serious type of melanoma skin cancer.
In addition to its size which is quite large than usual moles, you also have to pay attention to its shape. If the mole on your body has a symmetrical shape with a smooth surface, you don't need to worry because it is a normal mole. But if your new mole has a strange shape with a rough edge, you have to be careful.
Oh yeah, it turns out that the color of the mole can also indicate that someone has skin cancer. Normal moles usually have a dark brown or light brown color. So if you have a mole with a different color than usual, such as white, red or blue, then it's time for you to have this mole checked by a doctor. This could be a sign of skin cancer.
The point is, you should never underestimate the changes that have occurred to you. It could be that these changes are an early warning for yourself. The sooner you become aware of the disease, the faster the treatment will be for you.
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