During pregnancy, most young mothers will experience fear because of the symptoms that appear at pregnancy. One of the symptoms that commonly occur in pregnant women is cramps. Cramps occur in the trimester of a mother's pregnancy. Even though cramps occur in the trimester, it does not escape most mothers feeling an excessive fear of symptoms that appear during pregnancy. When, women experience cramps during pregnancy, it doesn't hurt to ask the gynecologist directly or you can go to the nearest midwife. Why is it necessary? So that mothers can understand about the causes of cramps being experienced. Cramps can occur because the uterine muscles contract.
Discussing the cramps experienced by pregnant women, cramps that often occur are stomach cramps. The cause of stomach cramps experienced by pregnant women is due to several factors. And these factors include the following:
- There is a change in the shape of the uterine wall which will become the place for the development of the fetus;
- There are ligaments that actually support the stretching of the uterine muscles to become a place to grow new fetuses;
- There are hormonal changes that cause constipation, flatulence, and increased gas.
After discussing the causes of stomach cramps experienced by pregnant women, therefore, consider some tips for dealing with stomach cramps for pregnant women. And including the following:
- Self-relaxation
One way to deal with stomach cramps experienced by pregnant women is to relax yourself. The way that can be done for self relaxation can be by sitting properly, lying on the mattress, and changing the old position to a position that makes it comfortable.
- Soak yourself in warm water
The next alternative to anticipate cramps experienced by pregnant women can be done by soaking yourself in warm water. The benefits of warm water itself can relieve cramps for pregnant women. Even though, you don't have time to immerse your body in warm water, you can do another alternative by drinking warm water.
- Yoga Exercises
One way to anticipate cramps in pregnant women is by practicing yoga. Yoga practice can make the body more relaxed than before, where the muscles of the body are taut and tense can return to normal.
- Put hot water in the bottle
The way that can be done to anticipate cramps in pregnant women can be by putting hot water in a bottle and wrapped with a cloth. When the hot water bottle has been wrapped in a cloth, place the bottle on top of the stomach and gently massage it from the upper belly to the bottom. And it is done in the same way as before and continuously until the cramps can be reduced a little.
- Consuming water
Another alternative to anticipating cramps in pregnant women can be done by consuming lots of water. This plain water is believed to have many benefits, one of which is to relieve stomach cramps experienced by pregnant women.
- Move as much as possible
The last alternative that can be done by pregnant women is to move as much as possible so that the accumulated gas in the body can gradually come out with the movements that have been made. It could be that the cramps experienced by pregnant women occur due to stored gas and really need to be expelled. Moving as much as possible can make the cramps experienced by pregnant women not feel and give a little sense of relief from pregnant women.
After discussing some ways to anticipate stomach cramps experienced by pregnant women. And if this anticipation does not have any effect on the cramps being experienced then pregnant women need to contact the nearest obstetrician. Why do you need to see a doctor? Because it could be that the cramps experienced by pregnant women are a urinary infection. In addition, ways to anticipate pain from excessive cramps have also been described for pregnant young mothers. If this method of anticipation has no effect, you can visit the nearest clinic or contact an obstetrician for consultation.
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