Currently, who is the person who doesn't want to stay young, even many mothers do everything from treatment, using skincare to consuls to a dermatologist to treat aging problems. But to do treatment with a doctor, of course, the price is not cheap for each first. Well, we have a solution for those of you who want to stay young but with not much money.
This can also be done at home because it uses natural ingredients.
So, it's better if we use natural ingredients first, why because there is no such thing as a mixture of natural ingredients and it is sure to be cheap and easy to find.
- Tomato
This little one turns out to be effective in overcoming anti-again on the skin, because in tomatoes there is an antioxidant substance in the form of "lycopene" with very high levels of about 50% in a tomato. The benefit of lycopene itself is to protect the face from the dangers of free radicals.
And it turns out that the Vitamin C in tomatoes is bigger than an orange. Well, I have seen the benefits of Vitamin C, the benefit is to brighten the skin, fade black spots and stimulate collagen. And besides Vitamin C, it turns out that tomatoes also contain Vitamin B9 which works to optimize the replacement of dead skin cells with new skin cells.
And to get the benefits of tomatoes, we can consume them directly / or make tomato juice and don't forget to use as a mask, this will make your face look bright and not dull anymore.
- Aloe vera and cucumber mixture
The older a person is, the skin will be more prone to becoming dull and dry. Well, this is what causes the appearance of fine lines around the skin, and this causes the age to look older because of the fine lines.
The fix is to use natural mouisturzers, why is it that because the skin needs to be hydrated again to moisturize again, we can make Mousturizer naturally with aloe vera and cucumber,
Because cucumbers contain lots of water which is good for the skin, while aloe vera is rich in vitamins ranging from Vitamins B, C and E.
How to use it is also easy, let's try:
- Wash the aloe vera then split the middle to make the gel
- Take the gel by scraping, then enter into a bowl
- Add the cucumber juice
- Mix well
- Then apply evenly on the face
- Wait 30 minutes then rinse with clean water.
Now this treatment can be done 2 times a day to get supple and glowing skin, if there is no cucumber with aloe vera, it is enough to make this mask.
- White Rice Mask
White rice also contains lots of Vitamin E which acts as an antioxidant, protects the face from exposure to free radicals and helps exfoliate dead skin cells. In addition, there is also vitamin A which works against signs of premature aging.
Japanese women prefer natural treatments.
How to make a rice mask:
- Prepare 1 spoon of white rice
- Soak the rice in water for about 1 hour / until the rice is soft
- separate the soaking water
- grind rice can be pulverized / blended until it forms a paste
- Apply to face thoroughly
- Wait for it to dry
- Rinse with the rice soaking water earlier
- Then rinse with clean water
You can do it every 2 days, and try to see what will happen to your face, your face will immediately glow and look healthy. So come on, take advantage of rice for the natural beauty of your facial skin.
- Avocado
Who likes to eat avocado? Congratulations, your facial skin will become more moist, Why? Because avocados contain lots of oleic acid which can help restore moisture to facial skin. There is Vitamin E which is useful for improving skin texture, eliminating free radicals which are the main cause of skin aging.
The way to get the benefits of avocado is easy, how come you can choose to eat it or make a face mask.
how to make an avocado face mask:
- lime 1/2 tablespoon of avocado juice and 1 tbsp of unsalted yougrt
- Mix well
- Apply thoroughly on the face surface
- Wait for 20 minutes to dry
- Rinse with warm water
For further treatment, you can use a toner to make your skin fresher, and to get maximum results you can do it 3 times a week.
- Honey and olive oil mixture
Honey and olive oil is one of the natural anti-again products. This meditarania oil is rich in nutrients, ranging from vitamins E, K, omega acids, omega 6, omega 9 and polyphenols that act as an antioxidant source. In addition, olive oil also contains linoleic acid which can fade fine lines on the face and protect facial moisture, can also be combined with honey which is rich in Vitamins A, B, C to keep your skin youthful.
How to use:
- Mix honey and olive oil to taste
- Stir well
- Apply to face evenly
- let stand for 30 minutes
- Rinse with warm water
For the night you can use olive oil as a facial moisturizer. Its use can be done every day. So there is no need to use skincare anymore because with olive oil it is guaranteed that your skin will look younger again.
Well, that's how to treat skin from premature aging, so you don't need to bother thinking about which skincare I want to use? just use this natural ingredient apart from being cheap, this natural ingredient obviously doesn't contain chemicals that can damage your skin's youthfulness.
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