Baby Falling from Bed? Do This Help!

Baby In A Onesie Lying On Bed

Having a baby that has started to crawl is sure to be very happy and "tense" for the parents. Yes, the tension here is that the Little One becomes more active. You as a parent should pay extra attention. Because it is not uncommon for babies to fall out of bed, which of course can be dangerous.

Crawling is one of the dynamic abilities of children. In general, babies begin to crawl at eight months of age. By crawling, children can explore the room and the environment on their own, and get the objects they want.

This development should be appreciated for all parents. However, this is certainly a "side job" for you. The reason is, babies will fall easily, both from the bed, chair, and even your lap. If this happens, don't panic. Do the tips below:

  • Distract Him and Calm Him

Small children who fall must be shocked and tend to cry violently. However, you may not panic as well. You have to divert your attention to calm down. If after a fall or no bruises are found, try to comfort him.

While joking, you can check your baby's head and body again to make sure he hasn't been hurt.

  • If there is a wound, clean it as soon as possible

If you find a wound after the baby has fallen, clean and treat it immediately. Take a hand sanitizer to clean your hands. After drying, wash the blood and dirt in the wound. To stop the bleeding, gently press sterile gauze into the wound.

Not all bleeding stops quickly. If the bleeding has not stopped, press the gauze again for 5 minutes. If it has stopped, apply an antibacterial ointment to prevent infection.

  • Give cold compresses to the bumps

If your head or other body part has a lump, apply a cold compress to it. Cold temperature can reduce the effects of swelling and reduce pain. A cold compress is a collection of ice cubes wrapped in a cloth or in a certain bag. Remember, never place an ice cube directly on the swollen area.

  • Pay attention to her condition for the next 24 hours

Not only should your child fall out of bed, you should also monitor your condition for the next 24 hours after falling or being accidentally hit by something hard and heavy. Generally, if after the baby has fallen crying, then calm down and come back to normal, there probably isn't any dangerous condition to worry about.

Conversely, if the baby has seizures, shortness of breath, bruises in the head and body, fractures, or bleeding from several holes in his body, you should take him to the nearest hospital as soon as possible.


Prevent Baby from falling out of bed

The skull bones of children 6 months to 1 year old are still not as strong as adults. If you're really worried about your baby's condition after he falls out of bed - even if he doesn't have any worrisome symptoms - it's okay to go to the doctor anyway.

What is clear, make sure events like this don't happen again. There are several ways you can do to prevent your little one from falling, including:

  • When you want to pick up things or do other activities so that your eyes are no longer focused on the baby, it is better to ask someone else to take care of them for a while.
  • Try using a special cot (which has a fence). Adult beds actually run the risk of falling or being "trapped" between adults.
  • If the baby cot is no longer suitable, make sure your adult bed is surrounded by a pillow or bolster that is slightly high so that your little one doesn't fall easily and fall.

The occurrence of a baby falling from the bed can indeed make you as a parent worry. Because, you are worried that it will have a negative impact on your future physical health and development. If your baby falls out of bed, you don't have to panic. Keep calm, and apply the steps above. If you are really worried, check with your doctor for his condition.

Baby Falling from Bed? Do This Help! Baby Falling from Bed? Do This Help! Reviewed by Nandana on August 30, 2020 Rating: 5

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