Apart from the rigors of exercising and even enjoying it with violence to destroy fat, coupled with a strict diet and cutting all the appetizing menus. There are other additions to complement the diet menu, namely choosing a slimming drink menu.
Now for drinks that can help expedite the slimming program are:
- Squeeze lemon water in the morning
As soon as you wake up, your stomach is still empty is the perfect time to fill it with lemon juice and warm water. Lemon water itself contains vitamin C which is undoubtedly a good height for skin rejuvenation and the benefits of lemon itself are also useful for detoxing the body. So definitely lemon can destroy fat and all the impurities in the body. For warm water itself, water is actually needed by humans, apart from moisturizing the skin, water can also remove all impurities. After consuming lemon water, allow 30 minutes to consume either food or other drinks to maximize its benefits.
- Green tea
Drinking green tea 2 - 3 glasses per day can help break down fat, because it is advisable after eating oily foods to consume green tea directly so that the fats from the food can come out smoothly. Green tea itself has a high content of antioxidants that are useful for resisting aging as well so that wrinkles don't come quickly
- Water filled with cucumber and ginger
Leave it for a while and drink this water, this is for a trick for those who don't like drinking water. As it is well known that water provides an important function in breaking down fats in the body, the more water that is entered, the better and healthier the body will be. Ginger itself is effective for burning fat and also has a natural body warming function.
- Watermelon juice
Mouth can't get away from sweet taste? want something sweet but not on the diet program list? this good solution, with watermelon juice without the addition of sweet ingredients such as sugar, etc. Consuming watermelon juice is not a problem because its natural sweetness will not gain weight. Even drinking 2 glasses of watermelon juice per day for 8 days can accelerate the destruction of belly fat.
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