Do you really know the characteristics or signs of a woman's fertile period? If not, then you can find out by using or looking at a calendar system and using an ovulation test kit.
An easy example like this:
A woman's average ovulation is 14 days from the estimated first day a woman has her next period.
Example calculations determine the sign of fertility like this:
Tell Sarah to have her period or period every 15th.
If there are 30 days in a month, then with a 28 day cycle the estimated first day of menstruation or the next menstruation is the 13th, so Sarah's ovulation falls 14 days before the 13th, which is around the 29th.
Well, for those of you who desire to get pregnant soon, it is advisable to have sex during a woman's fertile period and not do it 2-3 days before the fertile period. This is done to maintain sperm quality because sperm will mature or be perfect in 3 days.
Here are some characteristics or signs of a woman's fertile period:
- Increased Body Temperature
A woman's fertile period can be known by an increase in body temperature. The increase in a woman's body temperature when the fertile period in each month is around 0.2 degrees Celsius every day for 10 consecutive days. To determine the characteristics of this fertile period, you can use a regular thermometer and place it under the armpit every morning to see this increase
- Changing Cervical Fluid
When women enter the fertile period, it turns out that from the vagina, cervical discharge is similar to egg white. Its characteristics are liquid cervical fluid, supple and clearer than usual. Well, if a woman is infertile, the cervical fluid looks thicker. Sometimes it doesn't even come out at all
- Increased Sexual Desire at Fertility
This is the biggest secret of women when they are fertile, so women will look more passionate about intimate relationships than usual. So, if you men find your partner's woman passionate in her daily life, don't waste the opportunity if your wife wants an intimate relationship.
- Changing Position of the Cervix
At the time of ovulation, the position of the woman's cervix can be reached with the fingers. Meanwhile, when you do not ovulate, the cervix is much higher up, so it cannot be touched.
You can insert your finger straight into your partner's vagina. If it's true that you're fertile, then you will be able to touch the tip of the cervix, it feels like the tip of the nose
- Soft and soft Breast
During this fertile period, it is almost the same as the condition of pregnancy, so that a lot of hormones accumulate at this time. That way, the breasts will feel softer than usual
- The occurrence of spots at the fertile period
During the fertile period, women often experience blood spots that are left on their underwear.
This often occurs during the fertile period
- Bloated Stomach
In a woman's fertile period, sometimes the pants feel tight, even though they are not full or weight gain. This is common because during ovulation the body is storing lots of water
- Check with the Ovulation Test
To more accurately determine a woman's fertile period. You can use an ovulation test kit. This tool works exactly like when we check for pregnancy. By using this tool, the validity that you are fertile cannot be doubted
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