Many say that women can become vicious both before and during their period, then I don't know how many poor men have become victims each month, why do these things happen?
From the world of western medicine and psychology we know the term Premenstrual syndrome (PMS). PMS is often referred to as the culprit for a woman's menstruation during menstruation, but what exactly is PMS and what does it have to do with the emotions of girls?
In short, PMS is a popular term to describe the various symptoms that occur about one to two weeks before a woman's menstrual period, physical symptoms such as acne, aches, stomach cramps and constipation, not conspiracy. While symptoms are mental insomnia, difficulty thinking calmly, and extreme emotional fluctuations that fluctuate like a roller coaster. According to many opinions, almost all women experience Premenstrual syndrome.
The symptoms can vary from one girl to another and will gradually heal once menstruation starts, so it is not natural for people to put the stamp of PMS on girls who look gloomy when menstruating, especially in western countries.
However, recent research has proven that PMS is just an exaggerated myth. In fact, before menstruation, most girls experience hormonal fires which make stress levels higher and the body less fit.
So don't girls who are menstruating, anyone will definitely bump into a stab when they are not feeling well, then what symptoms were just HOAX? of course not. For some girls, symptoms ranging from stomach cramps, bad mood, to depression, can become serious problems to interfere with work and relationships, in the medical world itself this kind of condition is commonly referred to as PMDD (Pre-Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder).
The good news is that PMDD is estimated to only occur in three to eight percent of women and is treatable, while for ninety percent of women, the symptoms before menstruation will not interfere with daily activities. So the next time we see a girl getting angry, don't blame PMS right away
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