One of the drinks that have long been consumed by the wider community, especially among men. Now coffee is no longer just a drink, but has become a lifestyle for the community. This is evidenced by the number of cafes where coffee drinks are available, or coffee-based products on the market.
The average woman consumes 1.9 cups a day while men consume about 2.4 cups a day. This proves, that there are many women who also indulge in this caffeinated drink. Nowadays coffee and women are two things that are closely related, because it has been influenced by lifestyle.
This time, I will discuss the closeness of coffee with women.
- Speed up the menstrual cycle.
Menstruation or menstruation is a cycle that occurs in women every month. This menstrual cycle consists of 4 phases. Consuming coffee can speed up reaction times in all phases of menstruation.
- Trigger a miscarriage during pregnancy
When a woman is pregnant, considering all the food and drink she consumes is very important. Consuming coffee for pregnant women, should pay close attention to how much is consumed. Because what if excessive amounts of coffee are consumed can have a bad effect on the content. The caffeine contained in coffee can penetrate the placenta of pregnant women, and it can have an impact on the fetus. One of the risks that can occur is miscarriage.
- Natural beauty products.
Women and beauty are two inseparable sides of the coin. More and more beauty products are circulating on the market every day. However, it turns out that there are still many women who use natural ingredients for their beauty, one of which is by using coffee. Now coffee is used as skincare or natural beauty products. Because the testures that are owned by coffee grounds can remove dead skin cells, besides that the caffeine in coffee functions as antibacterial and inflammatory so it is suitable for facial acne.
- Tendency for hypertension
Based on research, coffee can actually be used as hypertension protection. Coffee affects blood pressure due to the presence of polyphenols, potassium and caffeine. Polyphenols and potassium lower blood pressure, while caffeine increases blood pressure. However, why are women who drink coffee more likely to develop hypertension? Due to the type of coffee they choose to consume. Women tend to prefer latte over regular black coffee, whereas it is a sweet type of coffee. Latte is their biggest choice, because most women who are coffee drinkers consume coffee for a relaxing time. In addition, it is also influenced by the frequency of drinking coffee in a day.
Coffee connoisseurs, let's enjoy your coffee while still considering the amount consumed in a day. Do not let us not get the millions of benefits in coffee. And don't forget that a meaningful cup of black coffee can remind you that no matter how sweet life is, the bitter taste will always be there.
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