VBAC is one of the topics most frequently asked by pregnant women with a history of previous cesarean section. Not a few pregnant women with a history of cesarean delivery want the next delivery is vaginal delivery (normal) because they want to feel the sensation of normal labor. However, not all pregnant women are the right candidates to try this VBAC program. Unless pregnant women are eligible for VBAC, there is a high chance of success.
According to several studies that have been conducted, VBAC has a success rate of 60 to 80%, meaning that there are 20-40% of VBAC failures and must end with a C-section delivery. Due to the relatively high success rate of VBAC, there is nothing wrong with pregnant women and their partners to try to see the advantages, disadvantages, and conditions of pregnancy.
Advantages of VBAC
- Faster postpartum recovery. So it doesn't take long in the hospital because the mother can go home quickly.
- Lower risk of infection.
- Less bleeding.
- Less chance of transfusion.
- Faster in the role after birth. Because the mother recovers quickly so she can immediately carry and breastfeed your little one.
Meanwhile, the most worrying risk for VBAC is tearing of the uterine wall. C-section scars open again during labor or straining. This has a 1% chance of happening, very small but if it does occur it will be fatal. Because it can threaten the lives of mothers and babies if not treated immediately. Therefore, doctors are very concerned about deciding whether pregnant women can VBAC or not.
Preparation for VBAC
If you are going to undergo VBAC, there are several preparations that you should do:
- Take special birth preparation classes for VBAC and include a partner or birth attendant if possible.
- Allow labor to occur naturally / spontaneously and avoid induction to avoid rupture of the uterus.
- Prepare physically during pregnancy. Can be done with yoga or swimming.
- Learn and practice hypnobirthing breathing and relaxation techniques to keep calm during labor and reduce the length of time for labor.
- Prepare plans A, B, even C if sudden cesarean section is needed.
- Taking care of yourself is very important, it can be with physical preparation, eating nutritious foods, and taking regular breaks to smooth the vaginal delivery process.
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